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How much to invest in SEO when most of my business comes from discovering my foil reveal videos?

Hello! I'm JoyousJoyfulJoyness and I make foiled portraits of pets and animals.

I just started my first business 4 months ago, and I've been learning the ropes. My business gets the most traction from my foil reveal videos where I pull off foil and show the finished foiled image. Therefore, I've been promoting and showing my work anywhere that allows videos.

I've figured out marketing and advertising to a sufficient degree that I'm ready to work on SEO for my Shopify store.

Most people only find me through my videos and won't be searching for "foiled pet portraits," since it's a relatively unknown medium for portraits. I figure I'm going to just optimize for SEO on a basic level and then focus more on getting seen with ads and marketing. I have literally done nothing for SEO yet, as I'm a complete beginner

Can someone take a look and give me any pointers?

Thanks so much!!

submitted by /u/joyousjoyness
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from Mix ID 8319533

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