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Shipping Livestock through E-commerce

Hey all -- Happy Thursday!

I wanted to reach out and see if any of you had experience with shipping livestock - specifically fish, plants, and especially corals?

I have a friend who has had a largely successful exotic fish store and he's finally ready to take the store online, selling live fish and corals.

However, in our preliminary research - it appears as though he'd be forced to overnight ship everything and the costs of doing so can amount to upwards of $70/order.

Given that the average order would be between $30-150; paying $70 for shipping seems outrageous.

I was wondering if anyone had any insight to this?

With all the meal delivery services these days, mostly shipping next day, I find it hard to believe that they're eating these exorbitant shipping costs.

I feel as though we're definitely missing something.

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/sucr0sis
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from Mix ID 8319533

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