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Take the Marketplace Seller Growth Tamebay Survey

Take the Marketplace Seller Growth Tamebay Survey

Start the Tamebay Survey on Seller GrowthIt’s a new year and in 2020 we would like to look at how we can help you grow and accelerate your business and to help with this would like to invite you to take part in a new survey on seller growth.

Over the years, we’ve seen many a business start in someone’s back bedroom and just a few year’s later they’ve expanded into a warehouse, are selling on multiple marketplaces and their own website and have taken on employees. Then the business starts to scale and accelerate and that’s where many start to look for tools and services to streamline operations and perhaps start to recruit expertise in areas such as operations and accounting as well as business advisors, sometimes exec directors and other times a business mentor.

In this survey we’d like to discover what type of tools marketplace businesses use when they reach a certain size. We’d love you to take part, regardless of the size business you operate. It’s important to understand the tools smaller retailers use and when they start to migrate to more complex tools and services so whether you’re turning over £100k, £1m, or £10m a year and up it’s important for us to hear your views.

As a thank you for completing the survey, our sponsor Volo Commerce have given us two £100 Amazon vouchers to give away. We’ll be doing two draws a fortnight apart and everyone that’s filled out the survey will be entered into the draw.

You can start the survey here. It should only take you a couple of minutes to complete and as soon as you’ve finished we’ll enter you in the prize draw.

from Mix ID 8319533

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