The planning and zoning landscape has changed dramatically. The sharing-economy, increased focus on sustainability, shortage of affordable housing and demographic changes are affecting how communities are shaped and how cities are planned. The public’s changing expectations of customer service demands that interactions with government be simple and transparent. Meanwhile, regulatory changes continue to impact all aspects of planning and zoning in your community. In short, planning and zoning has entered a whole new era of complexity.
Keeping up with these changes, especially when faced with resource constraints, is a constant challenge. Meanwhile, the existing systems were not designed for many of the challenges you face. I attended the American Planning Association's National Planning Conference in San Francisco in mid-April (NPC19). There, passionate planners from agencies like yours acknowledged the importance of effectively leveraging modern technology to better serve the people who live in, work in, and visit their communities. What I’m hearing from planners like you is that your legacy planning and zoning systems were never intended for this level and rate of change. And it's frustrating to try to address the future of your community using a solution from the past. Because the real challenge is that we are working with an outdated toolset.
Oracle Public Sector Community Development
But what if you could change all that? What if together we gave planning and zoning the modernization it deserves? And what if we could move from a chaotic set of complex inter-dependencies to a new normal of collaborative, inclusive, and transparent planning? What if you knew your planning solutions addressed your needs because you contributed to their creation and evolution?
Be a Visionary Partner
Help define the Oracle Public Sector Community Development solution. It was my pleasure to introduce the dawn of a new era of planning and zoning at NPC19. It was exciting to hear planners validate how they can use modern technology and focused capabilities like spatially-enabled transactions, proximity-based public notifications, easy scheduling of pre-application consultation meetings, and visibility into hearing calendars for review boards to improve the planning lifecycle.
As part of our continuous delivery of new capabilities, Oracle is constantly adding new features to this purpose-built cloud solution, designed specifically to address your needs. Oracle is looking for strategic, visionary planners to co-create and contribute to its direction. This is a unique opportunity to shape the future of planning and influence how Oracle's strong depth and breadth of technology including artificial intelligence, blockchain, machine learning, and other emerging technologies, is leveraged.
Amy Lee demonstrates the latest Planning and Zoning capabilities at APA NPC19
Together we can tackle the questions that matter most to you. How do we better engage the public and manage the planning application process in a way that is fair, transparent, and effective? How do we balance growth and development with maintaining the community's vision amidst changing codes, policies, and practices? How do we leverage a modern, true cloud solution that is continually updated with new capabilities?
What kind of planner are you?
What drives your planning initiatives? If you're a planner who is ready to address the challenges facing your community, to be a visionary, and to contribute to the next generation of planning solutions, then Oracle wants to work with you. How can we reshape the future of planning together? Our journey together starts here.
Read the Oracle press release Local Governments to Modernize Community Development
Read the brochure Building Government for the 21st Century
from Mix ID 8319533
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